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A l e x a n d r a C h o p s o n
A Little Byte podcast
In short, it was a passion project hosted by Riley Sigler and Alexandra Chopson who met in 2019 through their undergrad BFA program.
Josh Brinkman was the production sound engineer. Stellar work by a stellar human (luv u Josh!)
Throughout Season 1, the two discussed topics including: time, love, raccoons, weird flights, and,
of course, theatre.
Listeners were invited to tune in with their morning cup of coffee - or afternoon cup... or night cup - for a lighthearted chat about the deeper things.

A Little Byte
with Riley and Alexandra

Season 2 of ALB featured the debut of a website, new artwork,
and a Patreon, where listeners could support the future of the show.
During the second and final season, Riley and Alexandra talked with artists of all kinds - from actors to musicians, dancers to photographers - about what it means to be an artist and what fuels their work.
Season 2 Guests Included
NYTimes published photographer
Nia Macknight
World-renowned theatrical mask-maker
Jonathan Becker
Nashville/NYC-based solo artist
Amanda Card
and many, many more!
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